Privacy Policy
as updated by the General Data Protection Regulations 2018
Declaration and Data Protection Notice
I/We confirm that the information given in this Credit Account Application Form is in all respects true and accurate.
I/We confirm that I/We have read and understood your terms and conditions of sale and I/We unconditionally accept
that those terms and conditions shall be the only ones that apply to all sales contracts which I/We may conclude with
Data Protection Act 1998 Notice
Words shown in Italics are defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 ("The Act")
Where I/We provide you with personal data ("data"). I/We understand that the data will be held securely in confidence
and processed for the sole purpose of carrying out your manufacturing and distributor of materials handling business
and associated activities ("Activities"). In considering my/our application, I/We accept that you may consult with and
disclose the data to credit reference agencies, banks, credit insurers and other responsible organisations outside your
business that you have nominated ("third parties"), and that such third parties may process the data. I/We understand
that under the Act, I/We have a right to know what data you hold on me/us if I/We apply to you in writing and pay the
applicable fee.
I/We agree that you may use the data to contact me/us with details of other products/services. Unless I/We have
written to you objecting to you using the data for such purpose or I/We have not ticked the box below, I/We agree that
you may contact me/us by post, telephone, fax, e-mail via the internet, or other communication means.
I/We object to you using the data for commercial marketing purposes.
Contact us:
For any questions or comments regarding our privacy policy or to request/remove details of your personal date, please contact us. Email sales@nomadplc.co.uk, call us on 01858 464878 or write to us at Nomad, Rockingham Road Insutrial Estate, Rockingham Road, Market Harborough, LE16 7QE